Meet Jordan
I am new to the Befriender Coordinator role with KASP and come from a background in FE teaching, youth work and live music. Alongside this role, I am studying toward a MSc Health Psychology at Stirling University through a scholarship with the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre to undertake research on how we can integrate digital technologies into healthcare effectively.
I applied for my role with KASP because I was inspired by the meaningful work they do and wanted to make my own contribution to support KASP services and survivors of abuse. This type of work is highly rewarding, and I look forward to building my experience in this role. It is an honour to be welcomed into this supportive network.
Outside of work and study I spend much of my free time out on dog walks and working on creative projects in audio and digital art. I try to keep active as much as possible and am also a Health & Wellbeing Instructor, delivering sports coaching sessions primarily to children and young people. I’m interested in football, mixed martial arts/Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and am currently on a look out for a club to join which fits around my other commitments.