Our Staff

Meet Our Team


KASP is a small organization which operates mainly to the wonderful and incredible help from volunteers (see more on our volunteer pages) – We are a  small dedicated team and here is a short introduction so you can get to know a little bit more about us.

JOY, the Manager

SUSAN, the Administrator

LORRAINE, the Domestic Abuse Support Worker

NICOLA, the Counsellor

DEBBIE, the Responsive Worker

ISLA, the Counsellor

ASHLEY, the Counsellor

MANDY, the Volunteer Counsellor Manager/Counsellor

ADELE, the Counsellor

Our Voluntary Counsellors

SANDY, Volunteer Counsellor

ANNE, Volunteer Counsellor

JASON, Volunteer Counsellor

MARY, Volunteer Counsellor

KAREN, Volunteer Counsellor

Our Voluntary Befrienders

MICHELLE, Volunteer Befriender

ASH, Volunteer Befriender

CHLOE, Volunteer Befriender

SARA, Volunteer Befriender

KIRSTEN, Volunteer Befriender

Our Voluntary Placements

TINA, Volunteer Placement Counsellor

STEVE, Volunteer Placement Counsellor

RAFAL, Volunteer Placement Counsellor

CONNIE, Volunteer Placement Counsellor

Our Voluntary Board Members

Anne Aberdein, Chair

Rosemary Henry, Treasurer

Audrey Lawson, Trustee

Susanne, Trustee

Ryan Bittenger, Deputy Chair