Safeguarding Policy

1 Introduction

Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project (KASP) is committed to promoting and upholding the right of its service users, particularly vulnerable adults and of children and young people, and its workers, to be protected from abuse and harm, and to be involved in decisions that affect their lives. The welfare of its service users, whether adults or children and young persons, will always be the most important consideration in decisions that affect them.

In Scotland there is statutory provision for the protection of vulnerable adults, in the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. There is statutory and regulatory provision for the Protection of Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. There is a statutory scheme for the protection of vulnerable groups in the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.

KASP recognises its statutory and regulatory responsibilities and has adopted a number of policies in order to meet all such requirements. All staff are made aware of, and receive induction and training on KASP policies, and have a contractual duty to comply with them. All KASP policies and procedures are reviewed at least every three years, or when there are changes which necessitate an earlier review.

The policies referred to below form the KASP Safeguarding Policy, and should be read together with this document.

2 Safeguarding Children and Young People

The KASP Child Protection Policy sets out the areas of concern for children and young people, the responsibilities of KASP and individual workers in this connection, and makes detailed provision for issues of reporting and confidentiality, disclosure, inter-agency working and training.

3 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

The KASP Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy defines the risk of harm, the types of harm which may occur, the responsibilities of KASP and individual members of staff, and gives detailed guidance on taking appropriate action to protect an adult at risk of harm and on reporting and confidentiality.

4 Recruitment and Selection

The KASP Recruitment Policy sets out in detail how employed staff are to be recruited, trained and inducted.

The KASP Volunteer Policy sets out in detail how volunteers are to be recruited, trained and inducted.

Each of these policies makes provision for obtaining PVG scheme reports on each member of staff, volunteer and student and at least two references are taken up prior to appointment to post.

5 Training and Induction

All staff, volunteers, students and trustees receive an induction which includes information about KASP its policies and procedures, aims, objectives and values. This is covered by the KASP Induction Policy.

All staff receive an annual Performance Review/Appraisal and frequent and regular Support and Supervision sessions at which any issues may be raised. All staff and volunteers also access external supervision with qualified external supervisors on a regular basis. KASP has a contract with all external supervisors which covers any concerns about practise.  

This is covered by the Performance and Development Review / Support and Supervision Policy.

Child Protection and Working with Vulnerable Adults training is part of the core training required for all staff and volunteers in KASP. Refresher courses are required every two years. Safeguarding is also on the agenda at each team meeting for discussion.

Training records are kept for all staff, which are reviewed annually. Training from qualified providers is offered regularly to all staff, volunteers, students and trustees.

6 Staff Responsibilities

The separate policies referred to in this document set out the responsibilities of KASP and individual members of staff where appropriate. The Manager (Joy Patrick) is the named person for KASP and has overall responsibility for safeguarding issues, and is required to record all instances of alleged or reported abuse.

In the event that both the Manager (Joy Patrick) and Assistant Manager (Lynn Simpson) are unavailable the worker should report the incident to the Chair of the Management Committee (Berenice Gallacher).

This is stated in both the Child Protection Policy and the Protection of Children Young People & Vulnerable Adults Policy along with useful contacts for guidance.

7 Reporting of Abuse / Suspicions of Abuse

Any member of staff who has concerns about abuse, which they consider have not been adequately dealt with in terms of the relevant policies and procedure, should approach the Manager with such concerns.

All staff and volunteers receive adequate training to enable them to notice signs of abuse and how to report any concerns. All staff are trained counsellors (or are in training) and have had relevant training in active listening.

All staff and volunteers are informed at induction that the Manager (Joy Patrick) is the designated, named person responsible for recording all instances of alleged or reported abuse and the procedures that must be followed.

Any member of staff, volunteer, student or trainee should report any suspicion of abuse using the relevant procedure. If not satisfied with any action taken by the Manager, concerns to be then raised to the Chair of the Board (Berenice Gallacher)

8 Relevant Policies and Procedures

The following KASP Policies should be read along with this Policy, and are formally adopted as being part of this Policy:

  • Adult Support and Protection Policy and Procedure
  • Child Protection Policy and Procedure
  • Recruitment Policy and Procedure
  • Volunteer Policy  
  • Induction Policy and Procedure
  • Performance and Development Review/Appraisal / Support and Supervision Policy
  • KASP Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy

9 Monitoring and Review

KASP will monitor and review this policy every three years and when there are relevant

changes in legislation or circumstances.

10 Complaints

KASP will respond to any complaint or enquiry as quickly and responsively as possible.

Reviewed May 2022

KASP Safeguarding Policy reviewed April 2019

Ratified by the Board of Trustees 9th April 2019