Our Befrienders Service
What we offer . . .
KASP Befriending Project is a service for adults in Fife who feel lonely and/or socially isolated due to suffering the negative effects of childhood sexual trauma.
Volunteer befrienders are there to support people in Fife to improve their confidence, wellbeing and to connect with their local community. KASP does this by recruiting, training and matching befrienders to people within the area of Fife.
Befrienders provide a vital contact for a person, a link to the local community and can be a pathway to other local services and support. Befrienders come from all walks of life and are 16 years +.
About our befriender service
The befriending service grew from the need to support our clients who have completed their counselling and would like some support with other issues due to their trauma, including social isolation and loneliness. We also take referrals from our responsive project if any clients do not want to engage in the counselling service.
Clients are introduced to their befriender in attendance with the befriender coordinator to plan and agree the support. Initially, as the relationship builds, the client will be offered 1 hour per week. This can be revisited once there is an established relationship and there is a capacity to increase the hours if requested.
The befriending service is available for as long as the client requires or when it comes to a natural ending. The service can be ended by either party. This is managed with compassion and care for all to ensure a safe and positive conclusion to the relationship.

- You will meet with your matched befriender on a basis suitable to you. Initially for 1 hour per week during office hours. You may go out for coffee and chats, attend a group that you may feel unable to attend by yourself, you may want help or support to go shopping, but mostly you will have the chance to build a safe, positive and supportive relationship. Our aim is to tailor the support to help you with whatever is stopping you from connecting and feeling part of your community and to help you build more confidence and self-esteem.
- As stated above, the session will initially be for 1 hour per week, but this can be changed to suit after you have built a positive relationship with your befriender and both of you agree to increase or decrease the time spent together.
- Our befrienders go through a robust recruitment process. They are selected for their natural qualities and can show empathy and understanding. They receive comprehensive induction training which includes mandatory Trauma Skilled, Child Protection and Adult Support and Protection training. They come from all walks of life and have a real commitment to supporting others. They are a real credit to our service.
- This depends on what you want or need from your befriender. You will first and foremost build a safe and healthy relationship. We also try to have social events to include all our clients to give a sense of belonging and relate to others who may have similar struggles.
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Testimonials from our befriender volunteers
& Support
Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.
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Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.
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