Our Befrienders

Befrienders are there to support people in Fife to improve their confidence, wellbeing and to connect with their local community. KASP does this by recruiting, training and matching befrienders to people seeking the befriending service. Befrienders provide a vital link to the local community and it can be a pathway to other local services and support. Befrienders come from all walks of life and are 16 years +.

What do befrienders do?

Our befriendee’s are referred by our KASP counsellors who have worked with their clients to progress through their trauma and feel that they are now ready to connect with support to the community. This is discussed with their clients and then referred if agreed.

The next step is for our befriender co-ordinator to contact them and arrange a meeting to explain the service, answer any questions and to get an idea of what the client is looking for. They are then matched with a volunteer befriender. Our befriender co-ordinator attends the first meeting between befriender and befriendee to introduce them to each other and to agree the support.

Our befriender co-ordinator will keep in contact with both befriendee and befriender throughout the supporting relationship to ensure that it is working for both of them.

All of our current volunteers have completed TURAS- NES Trauma Informed Training and completed the Trauma Skills module. We believe that this is essential training and incorporates our ethos of delivering a Trauma Informed Practice in line with Government recommendations.

  • Be offered an informal interview with the Befriending Coordinator.
  • Have 2 references
  • Undergo an enhanced disclosure (PVG)
  • Take part in training.
  • Be matched with a suitable person who would like to meet you once weekly or more.
  • Be able to suggest and support a person to go into the local community or to join a local group
  • Receive ongoing support and supervision.
  • Be reimbursed for any out of expenses.
  • Able to show empathy
  • Non-judgmental
  • Respectful of others
  • A good listener
  • Can give some of your time to spend with another
  • Have 2 references and can pass the criminal record checks

Our Volunteer Befrienders

MICHELLE, Volunteer Befriender

ASH, Volunteer Befriender

CHLOE, Volunteer Befriender

SARA, Volunteer Befriender

KIRSTEN, Volunteer Befriender

Testimonials from our befriender volunteers

Throughout my experience as a befriender with KASP, I found myself gaining more clarity on my future and feeling more comfortable with being myself in a professional environment. This gave me a sense of fulfilment which grew my confidence to promote trauma informed practices


Befriending is the ear that listens.
Befriending is the non judgmental you. And befriending is easy.
But some connections need a little more time to themselves


For me, befriending is like sewing a web through connectedness that serves as a safety net


Do you want to become a befriender & make a difference?

If you feel that volunteering as a befriender with KASP is for you please contact us by emailing info@kasp.org.uk

We welcome any expression of interest from people interested in befriending at KASP.

”Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia

& Support

Counselling is about working together , you and your counsellor helping with the muddle that is left behind having suffered childhood sexual abuse.

Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.

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This programme was initiated specifically for clients who need 1-1 emotional and/or practical support to deal with the ‘here and now’ to cope with their difficulties due to the trauma they have suffered.


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Counselling is about working together , you and your counsellor helping with the muddle that is left behind having suffered childhood sexual abuse.

Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.

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Offering survivors of childhood sexual abuse a befriending service to reduce isolation and improve social skills.


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