Our Domestic
Abuse Service

We believe, we listen and we support


Domestic abuse is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that is a pervasive life-threatening crime affecting people in all our communities regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, social standing and immigration status.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic Abuse involves physical and/or sexual assaults, mind games/psychological/emotional abuse and coercive control.  This can be over a short period or long period of time and is perpetrated by a partner within an intimate relationship.

Domestic abuse is deliberate and planned. This abuse makes the person feel responsible, isolated, alone, confused, lost, degraded, worn down, exhausted, with no control, humiliated and hurt.  The abusive behavior ultimately makes the person comply with the controller and wears away dignity, self-respect and any sense of self or self-confidence.

At KASP we can help women to understand the dynamics involved in abuse and help to heal and recover from the damage left behind, letting go of feelings of responsibility … as one person describes  . . . 

“It was only after our relationship ended that I hit rock bottom and my head felt like spaghetti junction. I was full of self-blame and loathing even although I knew at a logical level it was not my fault!”

The Domestic Abuse Service offers emotional, practical and counselling support to adult women who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse and domestic abuse.
We provide open ended counselling and support sessions.

The service is funded by Fife Council and Scottish Government (Delivering Equality Safe Fund) which enables KASP to provide a specialist part time worker, a dedicated counsellor and one therapeutic counsellor.

& Support

Counselling is about working together , you and your counsellor helping with the muddle that is left behind having suffered childhood sexual abuse.

Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.

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This programme was initiated specifically for clients who need 1-1 emotional and/or practical support to deal with the ‘here and now’ to cope with their difficulties due to the trauma they have suffered.


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Counselling is about working together , you and your counsellor helping with the muddle that is left behind having suffered childhood sexual abuse.

Its having a space for you, your counsellor will listen, accept, believe, care, won’t judge and nurture ….and will help you understand the complex mix of feelings and emotions.

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Offering survivors of childhood sexual abuse a befriending service to reduce isolation and improve social skills.


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Thanks for the text and support It is good that I can finally talk to someone about X. I have in the past felt too crippled with shame and embarrassment to really get it out and process his behavior and its impact on me properly Thanks again for your care.


You have helped keep me sane through all this ….thankyou I'm glad I've found someone I can talk to and trust at last and who helps .


Thanks again appreciate all you do for me!


Thanks for chat earlier your kind support and listening is much appreciated I really needed to vent today and you helped a lot.


“Use the darkness of your past to propel you to a brighter future.”
― Donata Joseph

Groups & Training?

In addition to the provision of 1:1 support/counselling the Domestic Abuse service is involved with co-facilitating CEDAR mothers groups (CEDAR – children experiencing Domestic Abuse recovery).

We also provide training to external agencies and within FVAWP (Fife Violence Against Women Partnership)

Experiencing Domestic Abuse and need help now?

Please contact the domestic abuse helpline from Safer Scotland, you can do so at any point as it is open 24 hours 7 days a week,  the 365 days of the year.