Meet Lynn
Hi I’m Lynn,
I have just recently joined the board at the last AGM.
I was Assistant Manager with KASP for 28 years. My role consisted of providing information sessions, counselling and providing training to external agencies, the furthest being the Isle of Man.
My experience of CSA, very much was learned from every person who had the strength to make contact with KASP to ask for help.
Last year I retired being very fortunate to be one of the original member of staff when the project started in 1995.
Having had a year out, I still feel passionate about CSA and the impact it has on men, women and our society. I still felt I had something to offer KASP, as a member of the board. After much thought I contacted Joy, the Manager and, here I am.
I am married, mother of 3 adult children and a grandmother of 3 plus one grand-dog Rosie, family is very important to me.
I love walking, reading, dancing, singing in my car, yoga and blethering with friends. I’m a volunteer with Homestart too, which I am enjoying.
It feels so important that KASP continues offering the support to men and women, and I hope I can support staff, clients, volunteers in any way I can in my role as a Board Member.