Support for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day
Thursday 7th November #MenYouAreNotAlone
November 7th 2024 marks ‘Support for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day’, a campaign driven by Mankind, #MenYouAreNotAlone. KASP are delighted to be involved in collectively promoting this campaign, helping to prevent and alleviate the suffering and torment experienced by male victims and their loved ones living with the consequences of domestic abuse.

Violence against women – what about men?
Male victims of domestic abuse
Domestic abuse and sexual violence are sometimes thought of more in terms female victims. While more women and girls are affected this, men and boys also experience domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation and forced marriage. It is important that if you are being abused or assaulted, you get the help you need.
Traditional ideas of what it is to ‘be a man’ can discourage male victims from getting the support they need. It is important for men and boys to show their emotions; for male victims to be able to seek help without questioning their masculinity or sexuality.
Abuse and violence are never okay under any circumstances
One in every six to seven men will become a victim of domestic abuse at some point in their lifetime.
This abuse can come in many different forms and includes :
(a) physical or sexual abuse;
(b) violent or threatening behaviour;
(c) controlling or coercive behaviour;
(d) economic abuse;
(e) psychological, emotional or other abuse;
Men trying to escape domestic abuse make up one in three victims of domestic abuse . We need to encourage more men to seek help from their local service including those specifically for men.
More than one person suffers when abuse is happening. Family members including children, friends, colleagues and neighbours and even the abusers themselves can all be affected in a very negative and destructive way.
Is your partner violent? Do they control you? Do you walk on eggshells around them? Do they stop you seeing friends and family? Here are some support services in Fife & online #MenYouAreNotAlone
Domestic Abuse Support
- ManKind –
- Respect
- Fearless – 0131 624 7266
- AMIS (Abused men in Scotland) – 0330 094 9395
- Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit/Child Protection, is available on 101
- National Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline is available online and on 0800 027 1234, 24/7, or by emailing
- Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit/Child Protection, is available on 101
- Safe, Secure and Supported at home can help you book a home safety visit.
If you suspect someone is suffering from domestic abuse, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously online or on 0800 555 111.
What do KASP do to support Male Victims of Domestic Abuse?
KASP offer support to male victims of domestic abuse who are referred to them from the MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) – To find out more about MARAC and the support offered please visit our page here.