The Referral Process


How to refer to KASP


If you wish to use our services all you need to contact us, you can do so by phone, messaging us through the website, by email or even by text.

You can also fill in the referral form bellow to be sent through the website or get someone to call on your behalf.  Once we have your details, we will arrange a call with you for your initial information session appointment.

The Initial Information Session

Once you have been referred to KASP either by yourself, family, friend, or by a professional, you will receive a call with one of our counsellors, we call this an information session.

If you need the information session to be a face to face appointment then this is an opportunity to come to the project, get a sense of the KASP, see where the office is, the lay-out of the rooms, meet with a member of our team to find out some more about the support and counselling  KASP offers whilst also listening to you to find out from you what you are hoping for.

The session is not about the counsellor asking you lots of questions, this session is more for you to ask questions about what you are looking for even when you are still not sure what you want or need.

This might feel quite daunting especially if you are unsure yourself, especially too if you are looking for support for the first time. Therefore we will try to help at this point too, no point sitting in silence.

Chatting to KASP in an information session is not about feeling you have to tell your story….  it is so important to remember that, the story is yours to share, if and when you are ready, if you ever do tell.

Also at this point we will give you some information about the impact and consequences of living with trauma, we call this Psycho-Education. Some of the information we provide will help you understand your reactions and it can feel like a start.

We will talk about our waiting list and how to access additional support while you are waiting. We also explain about the process when we are in the position to allocate you a counsellor.

The Information session is generally done over the telephone and can last up to 45mins.

An information session opens the door to receive help and support if you feel KASP is the project for you.

The Waiting List

We do have a waiting list for counsellors. After your initial meeting or call you may be placed on the waiting list for the service you require.

It is also very difficult for us to establish how long you may need to wait for a counsellor as what we offer is long term counselling or support and we cannot predict when a worker will become available. We understand this is unsettling and difficult but please know we will always do everything is in our power to allocate you to a counsellor, worker or befriender as soon as it is possible.

Agency Referral

If you wish to refer someone from your organisation you can do so through the phone or sending the referral form through the website. Over the phone we will ask you the same details you can see in this form and if you have consent from the person you are referring to us. You can make the call with the person you wish to refer present as well.

You can download our leaflets here to give to your service users or to display at your organisation:

You can download the referral form here and send it to us in the post or you can email us