Volunteering at KASP

What are the options?


Volunteers are extremely valuable to KASP. Due to the limited amount of funding available, without you we would not be able to run all our services.


Are you undertaking your diploma in counselling and/or psychotherapy and you are required to look for a placement to do your counselling practice hours?

KASP can be your placement provider! The counselling we offer is open ended, this can be a challenging placement but an extremely rewarding one which will make you grow significantly not just as a practitioner but also as a person.


Are you a qualified counsellor or psychotherapist and would like to contribute to KASP by volunteering your expertise and knowledge? or perhaps you would like to expand your horizons and work with childhood sexual abuse?

KASP would be delighted to hear from you.


Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity which would allow you to develop your skills and knowledge and may help you in your studies or career path?

KASP befriending project is a service for adults in Fife who feel lonely and/or socially isolated due to suffering the negative effects of childhood sexual abuse.

Our befrienders help to support people improve their confidence, wellbeing and to connect with their local community.


Would you like to make a difference to your local community or to society as a whole being part of our board of trustees helping lead KASP and making sure it is effectively and professionally run, meeting its overall purposes?

KASP is seeking applications from people who are interested in the work that we do throughout Fife. Trustees will oversee the governance of the charity.

How to volunteer at KASP?

Whether it is to undertake your counselling placement here at KASP or to volunteer your time and counselling expertise for us, or to befriend, the only thing you have to do is to get in touch! It’s as simple as that.

Once you contact us we will offer you an application form. If successful you will be invited to attend an interview.

All current vacancies will be advertised on our website.

Comments from our wonderful Volunteers!

I have worked at KASP, as a Volunteer Counsellor, for six years. At the moment I work one day per week where I see three clients.

Whilst doing my counselling training I did my placement at KASP and knew, very quickly, that the work I was doing was something I would like to continue with when my training was complete. And so I remained.

Working with survivors of childhood sexual abuse can be demanding and, at times, painful. But it is, at all times, hugely meaningful, rewarding and worthwhile. And, it is a huge privilege to sit alongside those who come to KASP as they embark upon the often harrowing process of dealing with, exploring and processing the abuse they suffered as children.

Thus, as a counsellor, pivotal to my work is the support I get at KASP. Monthly supervision offers a space where I can discuss, openly and honestly, and in confidence, any issues that are troubling me: where I can ask for and receive support and advice.

Care, warmth and understanding are on hand at all times - as is laughter, something so important for both clients and counsellors. Always, there is someone on hand who will listen, without judgement; who will offer support; and who will understand the unique issues that can surface when working in this area.
And…..I am so very, very glad I remained at KASP.

Anne - Volunteer Counsellor

I started as trainee counsellor at KASP with very little knowledge of the effects of childhood sexual abuse and the trauma suffered by survivors, or how hard it is just for survivors to just function every day. I found the training within KASP invaluable for this. Although all our clients are different and very unique, it gave me a firm basis to start from, a solid foundation of knowledge to help me build my skills for counselling survivors.

I have been volunteering with KASP for several years now and I am always amazed at other volunteers and the staff member’s dedication, commitment, to our clients and each other for making KASP a safe place for survivors to attend, to have time and space just for themselves.

Through my volunteering I have met some wonderful people, both working and volunteering, and not forgetting my clients, whom have all taught me something about myself, or just to trust the process within the counselling relationship.

I have been very lucky to be able offered many external training courses for further development and have learnt a great from training courses. I have counselled both male and female survivors which is rare in some agencies. My experience of volunteering at KASP is one of inclusion, just because I volunteer does not mean I am less important to the team, or to our client’s.

The work is the same. KASP I feel has an ethos of we are all in it together, I feel there is always support, when I feel slightly overwhelmed, or I am struggling to understand in my work, there is continuously a supporting hand, some is always around to talk things through. KASP also offers group supervision where I meet other volunteer counsellors. It is where we can support one other and offer different perspective or just affirm each other I know I am doing a good enough job. I find there is no pressure to have lots of clients, as I feel KASP is grateful for any time the volunteers can offer. I feel KASP is a genuine, real place to offer our many clients a safe place to perhaps heal.

Sandy - Volunteer Counsellor